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Forza Motorsport profile statistics


Mace 12.03.2011 (edit 12.03.2011)

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Tiedä sitte kuinka turha aihe, mutta kokeilempa kuitenkin Elikkä ne jotka vaan haluavat kertoa omia statsejaan Forzasta nii tähän vaa Minun: Career complete: 26.1% level: 50 total winnings: 3,401,828 CR online winnings: 609,035 CR current credits: 63,035 CR distance driven: 4,801 km average speed: 126.6 km/h total repairs: 227,083 CR cars in garage: 86 parts value: 3,179,870 CR garage value 23,559,870 CR time driven: 37h 56min top speed: 380.3 km/h jumped: 60.2 m time spent in the menus: 210 h time spent upgrading: 11 h time spent tuning: 26 min time spent editing designs: 57 h time spent in the auction house: 20 h time spent in the storefront: 1 2h time spent test drving: 49 h Aikas kököt... Replya tällain jännästi:
Schimanski76 wrote: Mikään Forzaan liittyvä tuskin on turha aihe tällä sivustolla. Saako nuo statsit jostain noukittua vai pitääkö ihan pelin valikosta kopioida? Editoin tähän samaan viestiin ne joskus,jos jaksan näpytellä.
Elikkä kirjoittamalla varmaa ainoa tapa, ellei ota kuvaa ja postaa sitä tähä :D

Schimanski76 12.03.2011 (edit 16.03.2011)

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Schimanski76 16.03.2011

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Schimasterin lista Career complete: 100% level: 50 total winnings:28,276,141CR online winnings: 15,214,741 CR current credits: 4,904,252CR distance driven: 37 556 km average speed: 145,4 km/h number of victories 1640 number of podiums 1808 total repairs: 524,279 CR cars in garage: 196 parts value: 9,363,610CR garage value 66,718,110 CR time driven: 258 h top speed: 363,4km/h jumped: 76,6m time spent in the menus: 855 h time spent upgrading: 35 h time spent tuning: 4 h time spent editing designs: 22 h time spent in the auction house: 1 h time spent in the storefront: 50 h time spent test driving: 240 h nakkeja syöty 18,7kg

Ac3Way 16.03.2011

  • 4
Number of races puuttu. Ihan ihme menu idlaaja, kasvata viikset!

BlueMasto 16.03.2011 (edit 24.04.2011)

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Career Complete: 73.9% level: 50 Total Winnings: 36.880.942 Cr Online Winnings: 25.744.674 Cr Current Credits: 6.297.079 Cr Distance Driven: 59.290 Km Average Speed: 112.2 Km/h Number Of Victories: 3.624 Number Of Podiums: 4.929 Number Of Races: 5.379 Total Repairs: 1.429.563 Cr Cars In Garage: 319 Parts Value: 27.990.320 Cr Garage Value: 63,988,350 Time Driven: 528 h Top Speed: 420.8 Km/h Jumped: 84,8 Time Spent In The Menus: 520 h Time Spent Upgrading: 28 h Time Spent Tuning: 1 h Time Spent Editing Designs: 64 h Time Spent Auction House: 6 h Time Spent In The Storefront: 11 h Time Spent Test Driving: 93 h

Tuomo33 17.03.2011

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Career Complete: 100% level: 50 Total Winnings: 12,631,769 Cr Online Winnings: 3.119.625 Cr Current Credits: 46.836.093 Cr Distance Driven: 32.829 Km Average Speed: 118,8 Km/h Number Of Victories: 1.390 Number Of Podiums: 2,304 Number Of Races: 2.539 Total Repairs: 549.179 Cr Cars In Garage: 52 Parts Value: 6.840.780 Cr Garage Value: 100,132,280 Time Driven: 276 h Top Speed: 646 Km/h Jumped: 175 m Time Spent In The Menus: 540, h Time Spent Upgrading: 29 h Time Spent Tuning: 3 h Time Spent Editing Designs: 157 h Time Spent Auction House: 23 h Time Spent In The Storefront: 43 h Time Spent Test Driving 144 h

TehBigBunny 17.03.2011 (edit 17.03.2011)

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Career Complete: 100% level: 50 Total Winnings: 38,482,227 Cr Online Winnings: 12,974,032 Cr Current Credits: 14,510,183 Cr Distance Driven: 59,056 Km Average Speed: 162,4 Km/h Number Of Victories: 1.648 Number Of Podiums: 1,916 Number Of Races: 2.165 Total Repairs: 937,356 Cr Cars In Garage: 313 Parts Value: 21,301,420 Cr Garage Value: 94,432,920 Cr Time Driven: 363h 42:00 Top Speed: 406 Km/h Jumped: 46,5 m Time Spent In The Menus: 391, h Time Spent Upgrading: 38 h Time Spent Tuning: 29 h Time Spent Editing Designs: 12 h Time Spent Auction House: 56 min Time Spent In The Storefront: 23 h Time Spent Test Driving 149 h

vaiski75 17.03.2011 (edit 17.03.2011)

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Skimmy on sammununna useammin Böksin viereen kuin minä.. Näkeekös nää jostain muualtakin kuin Böksiltä? Sry, kun osaa olla sokea taas.. E. eipäs kuin minä sittenkin..
El PiNk DeViL

El PiNk DeViL 17.03.2011 (edit 17.03.2011)

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Career Complete: 13.8% : D level: 50 Total Winnings: 7,667,500 Cr Online Winnings: 6,204,608 Cr Current Credits: 132,170,683 Cr Distance Driven: 19,347 Km Average Speed: 119,7 Km/h Number Of Victories: 695 Number Of Podiums: 1,273 Number Of Races: 1,508 Total Repairs: 547,921 Cr Cars In Garage: 224 Parts Value: 28,926,500 Cr Garage Value: 48,513,000 Cr Ei yhtään 250GTO:ta tai muuta kallista autoo :-( Time Driven: 161h 33:53 Top Speed: 557.1 Km/h Jumped: 96.2 m Time Spent In The Menus: 840h 39:22 Time Spent Upgrading: 53h 14:03 Time Spent Tuning: 3h 05:34 Time Spent Editing Designs: 104h 34:18 Time Spent Auction House: 103h 55:16 Time Spent In The Storefront: 58h 04:58 Time Spent Test Driving: 209h 10:27 Hmmh..

Mace 17.03.2011

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Aikas kivat joo, mutta mulla tuli 90 autossa että garage full.. wtf?

vaiski75 17.03.2011 (edit 17.03.2011)

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Career Complete: 100% level: 50 Total Winnings: 20,000,000 Cr Online Winnings: 3,500,000 Cr Current Credits: 999,999,999 Cr (Oikeesti sillä on 3,900) Distance Driven: 28,0000 Km Average Speed: 154 Km/h Number Of Victories: 1215 Number Of Podiums: 1285 Number Of Races: 1376 Total Repairs: 221,000 Cr Cars In Garage: 157 Parts Value: 12,000,000 Cr Garage Value: 60,000,000 Cr Time Driven: 183h Top Speed: 369 Km/h Jumped: 48,5 m Time Spent In The Menus: 1294, h Time Spent Upgrading: 59 h Time Spent Tuning: 4 h Time Spent Editing Designs: 479 h Time Spent Auction House: 20 h Time Spent In The Storefront: 87 h Time Spent Test Driving 194 h Ma oon loikannut bitemmälle kuin Buni..

Ac3Way 17.03.2011

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Näköjään kaikilta löytyy vähän rahaa. Itse meinasin kuolla riemuun, kun kerran sain yli miljuunan rahaa. Me poor, you sausage.

ariko 17.03.2011

  • 2
Career Complete: 100% level: 50 Total Winnings: 22,986,797 Cr Online Winnings: 1,455,437 Cr Current Credits: 10,850,799 Cr Distance Driven: 26,339 Km Average Speed: 154,6 Km/h Number Of Victories: 1,347 Number Of Podiums: 1,397 Number Of Races: 1,448 Total Repairs: 204,293 Cr Cars In Garage: 212 Parts Value: 12,308,720 Cr Garage Value: 78,266,220 Cr Time Driven: 170h 20:43 Top Speed: 410,7 Km/h Jumped: 53,1 m Time Spent In The Menus: 455h 02:04 Time Spent Upgrading: 5h 25:06 Time Spent Tuning: 1h 12:59 Time Spent Editing Designs: 203h 02:11 Time Spent Auction House: 1h 41:39 Time Spent In The Storefront: 55h 08:26 Time Spent Test Driving 6h 34:43

Tuomo33 17.03.2011 (edit 17.03.2011)

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Ac3Way wrote: Näköjään kaikilta löytyy vähän rahaa. Itse meinasin kuolla riemuun, kun kerran sain yli miljuunan rahaa. Me poor, you sausage.
Jos tarvihtset krediittejä, niin laita auto myyntiin vaikkapa 5,000,000cr niin käyn napasemassa sen pois. Jos joku muu vähä crediitinen tarvitsee crediitejä, rohkeasti kysymään.

AJfin 17.03.2011 (edit 17.03.2011)

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Career Complete: 10,3% level: 50 Total Winnings: 4,430,473 Cr Online Winnings: 3,453,564 Cr Current Credits: 8,064,918 Cr Distance Driven: 7,590 Km Average Speed: 137,3Km/h Number Of Victories: 197 Number Of Podiums: 332 Number Of Races: 420 Total Repairs: 155,033Cr Cars In Garage: 137 Parts Value: 10,566,370 Cr Garage Value: 61,567,870 Cr Time Driven: 55h 16:58 Top Speed: 390,9 Km/h Jumped: 47,3 m Time Spent In The Menus: 246h 10:16 Time Spent Upgrading: 10h 35:26 Time Spent Tuning: 58:23 Time Spent Editing Designs: 127h 23:56 Time Spent Auction House: 31:51 Time Spent In The Storefront: 11h 31:32 Time Spent Test Driving 69h 33:31

Mudinski 17.03.2011

  • 2
Career Complete: 13,0% level: 48 Total Winnings: 3,359,313 Cr Online Winnings: 1,612,376 Cr Current Credits: 34,848,476 Cr Distance Driven: 6,822 Km Average Speed: 99,8Km/h Number Of Victories: 258 Number Of Podiums: 417 Number Of Races: 451 Total Repairs: 108,634Cr Cars In Garage: 80 Parts Value: 6,021,810 Cr Garage Value: 27,526,310 Cr Time Driven: 67h 19:24 Top Speed: 307,6 Km/h Jumped: 72,6 m Time Spent In The Menus: 489h 40:37 Time Spent Upgrading: 10h 35:26 Time Spent Tuning: 1h 19:39 Time Spent Editing Designs: 195h 27:57 Time Spent Auction House: 4h 08:56 Time Spent In The Storefront: 80h 07:31 Time Spent Test Driving 67h 57:03
MrD St Jimmy

MrD St Jimmy 17.03.2011 (edit 17.03.2011)

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Career Complete: 29,6% level: 50 Total Winnings: 8.788.822 CR Online Winnings: 3.347.246 CR Current Credits: 1.180.632 CR Distance Driven: 12.450 km Average Speed: 156,7 km/h Number Of Victories: 408 Number Of Podiums: 500 Number Of Races: 570 Total Repairs: 316.874 CR Cars In Garage: 92 Parts Value: 5.037.910 CR Garage Value: 42.735.950 CR Time Driven: 79h 27:12 Top Speed: 405,6 km/h Jumped: 44,1 m Time Spent In The Menus: 221h 50:32 Time Spent Upgrading: 15h 53:52 Time Spent Tuning: 3h 27:35 Time Spent Editing Designs: 41h 41:39 Time Spent Auction House: 10:50 Time Spent In The Storefront: 8h 25:57 Time Spent Test Driving: 92h 54:42

TehBigBunny 17.03.2011

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Forza 3 -> Main Menu ->My Profile

Mace 17.03.2011

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Tuomo33 wrote: Jos tarvihtset krediittejä, niin laita auto myyntiin vaikkapa 5,000,000cr niin käyn napasemassa sen pois. Jos joku muu vähä crediitinen tarvitsee crediitejä, rohkeasti kysymään.
Mää en oo varma muista mutta mulla on alle 1 milj. crediittiä... saattaaha tällä olla "köyhempiäkin"
El PiNk DeViL

El PiNk DeViL 17.03.2011

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I JMM94 I wrote: Mää en oo varma muista mutta mulla on alle 1 milj. crediittiä... saattaaha tällä olla "köyhempiäkin"
Jos joku ei kerkee aiemmin nii mä voin heittää vähä sulle. Tänää tosin en varmaa tuu enää poksille.

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