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Mace 28.08.2013 (edit 28.08.2013)

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Uskaltaisin sanoa että next genille ei Gta V ole tulossa. Ps3 vai boxi.. Boxille tilasin ite. " Grand Theft Auto 5 is launching Spring 2013, and that’s awfully late in the current console life cycle, but Rockstar’s Dan Houser has argued in the pages of Famitsu that all of the best games come out at the end of each generation, stating that the time has been spent getting the most out of current tech." “Rockstar is a content company, not a hardware company. We use the technology we have to create content, and we try not to let ourselves get beholden to the hardware. The fact that hardware’s so mature right now is exactly why we’re able to go on to the next level. “GTA 4 was our first attempt at a new platform and HD visuals, so the first part of development was seriously difficult. Now we know what the hardware’s capable of, so it’s become a lot easier to move things along and a lot more fun, too. “GTA: San Andreas came out at the peak of the PlayStation 2′s cycle, and we put out a really good game thanks to that. All the best games for a console come out at the end of the lifecycle, right? So now’s the best timing of all.”

RauhaMees 28.08.2013

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Oliko täällä ees ketää joka ostaa sen ps3lle? Itse hankin X360:lle ja sitten ku se joskus sieltä PC:lle tulee niin sinne myös. Saa nähä mitä lisäreitä tähän V:hen tulee.

Schimanski76 28.08.2013

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Mie laitoin Eissin Gay Clubiin hakemusta,mutta ei se onnistunut Lainkaan. Pitää tutkia joku päivä,notta mikä tökkii. Eissi voisi kokeilla,jos pystyy laittamaan miulle kutsua.Painaa sitä suurennuslasia ja siihen meitin Gamertag niin pitäisi Schimmy löytyä.

Latetzki 28.08.2013

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Rayha300 wrote: Oliko täällä ees ketää joka ostaa sen ps3lle?
Minä. Taidan olla ainut?

jimmykojootti 28.08.2013

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Terror80 wrote: Niin... pitääkö tuo nyt hankkia X360:lle vai PS3:lle? Vai jäisinkö odottelemaan next gen versiota, kun sellaisen kuitenkin pari viikkoa oldschool-julkaisun jälkeen ilmoittavat :)
No 360:llehän ton saa alle 3 viikon päästä. Ja olikohan helmikuussa vai millon vasta suomessa julkaistaan Xbox One? Eli tuskin se ihan heti ainakaan boxin next genille tulee..

TeroKortelainen 28.08.2013

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Latetzki wrote: Minä. Taidan olla ainut?
Et oo ainut. On meitä vähintään 2...

Ac3Way 28.08.2013 (edit 28.08.2013)

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Nyt pitäisi olla kaikille lähetetty kutsu. Käykää hyväksymässä, jos ette ole vielä niin tehneet. e. Saahan tuohon liittyä PS3:sen miehetkin. En vain tiedä hyötyykö siitä mitään. Kenties siitä sitten saa trophyn :)

Eeegac 28.08.2013 (edit 28.08.2013)

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Hain kanssa tähän hassuun seuraan. "Introducing Crew Hierarchies":

Mace 29.08.2013

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Minuutin verran katottavaa "Official Trailer":

savulohi 29.08.2013

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Sfori, läikytän tähän. :) !!

Mace 02.09.2013

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Ilmoitusluontoinen asia: Kaksi viikkoa.

DiddFIN 02.09.2013

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Mina tilaa pelit äkspoksille.
Finski fani

Finski fani 02.09.2013

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Macela wrote: Ilmoitusluontoinen asia: Kaksi viikkoa.
Just tajusin. Työt loppuu kahen viikon päästä... Destiny? =O

Mace 03.09.2013

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Valmis "Banshee": !!

DarkWarjo 03.09.2013

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Kattelinki just rokkistaran äfbeestä noi kuvat. Pirun siisti se kyl on.

Eeegac 04.09.2013

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!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! General: Flying under bridges achievements will return from GTAIV. There are exactly 50 bridges to fly under. The city features cracked roads, graffiti, shopfronts and billboards. Every shopfront in the game is unique. Night time is more realistic and is a big improvement from IVs "darkness". At a certain part of Blaine County the only real source of light were Trevor's vehicle headlamps. Destructible environments have been upped in this game which means that you can use them to your advantage in missions; you can use: gas cylinders, motor cars, fuel tanks and more. Animals yelp when hit by a vehicle. Neon signs actually have a buzzing noise. Helicopter wreckage can be found from high above in the sky. Although map is open from the start, it still has a huge element of discovery. Grove Street will be making a return. GTAV feels like a "best of R* experience" because of the elements from all of R*'s greatest games. Normal walking is quite slow. The weather system is different, featuring virtual sunrays. Water physics are fantastic feturing realistic waves that foam back and forth. The framerate is consistent and there seems to be no stuttering when switching between characters to complete a mission. Vehicles: There are four different in-vehicle views in addition to cinematic mode. However the cockpit view will not be included. Trains are drivable. if a saved vehicle is abandoned or destroyed, it can be recovered (for a fee) at the local impound lot. Each vehicle type has a unique type of handling, for example the pick-up truck doesn't stick to the road as well as a supercar. You can turn a car's engine on and off. Pedestrians react differently to carjackings now, such as speeding off when aimed or shot at with a weapon. Drivers flip you off after collisions. Car crashes usually leave trails of fuel, which can in turn be used to blow them up. Chopper controls are extremely alike to GTAIV, and landing them is more straightforward. Engine realism such as engine stuttering and black smoke shooting out was noted. Car explosions and aftermath much more realistic than IV's. Hearses are NOT good for escaping cops. For racing, Rockstar has relied on Midnight Club: Los Angeles's gameplay mechanics for the driving in V.

KKNGS 04.09.2013

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12 vitun päivää :l

djrunkkari 04.09.2013

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Se menee yhes pierasus.

RauhaMees 04.09.2013

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"For racing, Rockstar has relied on Midnight Club: Los Angeles’s gameplay mechanics for the driving in V"....... Tarviiko mun sanoo enempää

KKNGS 04.09.2013

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Rayha300 wrote: "For racing, Rockstar has relied on Midnight Club: Los Angeles’s gameplay mechanics for the driving in V"....... Tarviiko mun sanoo enempää
sellaselle kuka ei oo koskaan pelannu tota midnight club LA:ta, onko tuo hyvä vai huono?

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