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DarkWarjo 11.09.2013

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jos toi zuumauskuva on todellinen ni tuntuu et on tarpeeksi tilaa.. :) onhan ne edelleenki sanonu et se o reilusti isompi ku IV:n mappi.
Finski fani

Finski fani 11.09.2013

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MrD St Jimmy

MrD St Jimmy 11.09.2013 (edit 11.09.2013)

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Siitä vertailuja eri pelimaailmoihin. Avaa isona niin näkee paremmin. Kuva on aika iso. !!

villek00 11.09.2013 (edit 11.09.2013)

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^ristus notta on iso hän^

Mace 11.09.2013

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Mitenköhän noi on skaalattu oikean kokoisiksi.. Just Causessa on kyl todella iso kartta, mutta ei sitä samaa sisällön määrää silti mitä GTA:ssa.

Latetzki 11.09.2013

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Toiseksi se on Just Cause eikä GTA.
MrD St Jimmy

MrD St Jimmy 11.09.2013

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Just Cause 2 ja Arma 3 on ainakin ollu helppo skaalata koska molempien neliöt ovat 900km². GTA V:ssäkin löytyy vasemmalta alhaalta jonkinnäköistä mittaa kuinka pitkä on yksi kilometri. Niissä joissa ei ole mitään referenssiä sitten tietenkin lasketaan kuinka kauan kestää taittaa vaikka yksi kilometri ja siittä tehdään sitten sopiva neliö johon koko kartta menee.

BlueMasto 11.09.2013 (edit 11.09.2013)

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Ny on ennakkovarattu Gamestopista :) Ny on uus profiiliki tehty samalla xXx SupWe xXx

Eeegac 11.09.2013 (edit 11.09.2013)

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Grand Theft Auto V: Online New Details, has over 500 missions, ideas for it in the works since GTA 3 Character progression has a “flow” but there isn’t an “overarching narrative that culminates in a definitive conclusion” The aim of GTA Online is to do whatever it takes to get more money in the bank and accrue assets such as cars and real estate Characters appear in cutscenes when interacting with other characters in the world as they would in the single-player but doesn’t speak Female characters can be used in GTA Online Almost all activities from the campaign are available in GTA online: “heists, missions, robberies, assaulting gang hideouts, hijacking armored vehicles, races” as well as “tennis, golf and base jumping” According to Rockstar North president Leslie Benzies threre’s over 500 missions. Some can be completed solo, but others are complicated and require a team. GTA Online takes place after the main story, familiar faces will make appearances By currying favour of characters you can be introduced to more people and delve deeper into the criminal world Franklin’s friend Lamar may introduce you to a car dealer named Simeon Yetarian, who wants you to steal cars for him Biker gangs my support you during missions if you’re friendly with them A tech-savvy character you’ve befriended may hide you on the radar during multiplayer Security firms that have taken a liking to you may be used to deliver airstrikes Rockstar uses a “dynamic” system to populate GTA Online, starting with your friends and crew members, then similarly skilled players in the same part of the world. GTA Online has been created to be “as customisable as possible” in terms of who you play with: “there are options to let the game decide who to play with… or you can hand pick every player in the game”. The game analyses your playing style as you play and surfaces missions that appeal more to your style. There’s a crew ranking system and a personal rank The fourth GTA Online player is fresh off a plane in Los Santos, character creation involves choosing your mum, dad and grandparents and you’re given a character. Then players then choose a lifestyle, make choices about the things the character does (partying, couch potato, criminal, athletics nut). Starting skills are based on the chosen lifestyles, but can be upgraded, as can the look of the character Players riding shotgun in cars can also control radio station, set waypoints, use a cinematic camera, or attack others Holding the select button (on a PS3) pulls up a menu where outfits and gestures can be changed Phone camera’s can be used to take a selfie During a liquor store robbery the player can shout at the cashier to hurry up through a mic and the character will respond Escaping cops involves keeping yourself out of the police’s vision cone After each GTA Online mission cash rewards and Reputation Points are awarded. The crew leader decides who keeps the loot. A leader can choose to hog the spoils but, obviously, other players might not take that very well Invites are received through the character’s phone and accepting seamlessly transports the player to the activity Players can customise the way a vehicle handles at shops found around the city In missions involving bigger teams a lobby window opens up. From this the roles such as sniper, look-out and transporter can be assigned. The crew leader can tweak settings such as time of day, weather, difficulty and how many lives they have to complete the mission. Everyone is given priorities suited to their role when missions begin When you have enough cash to purchase a “high end residency” you gain the ability to set up heists like the ones in the solo campaign. These missions involve multiple phases, including a set-up phase. In the mission shown prep involved buying guns from Ammu-Nation and procuring a helicopter. The tasks can be split between players. Passive mode can be activated if you want to enjoy Online without being troubled by other players, this is automatically deactivated when you fire your gun however. Players can kill you and take your cash, so you are encouraged to put money in the bank and use ATMs. Purchases can still be made using the money even if it’s in the bank If you are robbed, you can put a bounty on a players head for revenge Each house you pruchase has space for storing cars. Modest appartments have space for two, but high-end homes can store ten. Garage areas can be treated like showrooms. You can walk around and admire your cars and hire a mechanic to keep them in good condition. You can also insure them to avoid big payouts should you damage them badly. You can invite friends to your home and drink, call strippers, watch Rockstar’s custom created TV shows (or your friends in high-speed chases). Missions are controlled through Rockstar’s Social Club, which means the developer tweak them regularly.

DarkWarjo 11.09.2013

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GTA V maksettu, ma ja ti välisenä yönä haen kotiin

Eeegac 11.09.2013

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Itsekkin käväsen maksamassa perjantaina ja sitten MA-TI yönä hakemaan. Töitä vielä tiistai ja keskiviikko onkin sitten yllättäen vapaapäivä töistä :O

TTJK107 12.09.2013

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En oo ennakkotilannu. Vittu. Viittisköhän?

DarkWarjo 12.09.2013

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TTJK107 wrote: En oo ennakkotilannu. Vittu. Viittisköhän?
Ei kai se kannata, et sä kuitenkaa ekalla viikolla sitä pelata halua.. ;)

Latetzki 12.09.2013 (edit 12.09.2013)

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"En tiiä kuin kauan tää video näkyy": "Lisää":

Mace 12.09.2013 (edit 12.09.2013)

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!! ":D":
Latetzki wrote: "En tiiä kuin kauan tää video näkyy": "Lisää":
Nopeeta toimintaa oli.. kerkisin kattoa youtube -videon, mutta nyt se on poistettu. E: Ja pari noita muitaki kattoin.. no more! Nyt sulkeudun kokonaan pois GTA V:een liittyvistä jutuista ennen julkasua.

DarkWarjo 12.09.2013

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Noi vinebox videot oli aika hyviä, ei paljastanu liikaa ku oli nii lyhkäsii pätkii, ihan hyvää tiiserii.

RauhaMees 12.09.2013

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Hei te jotka kerkesitte ne videot kattomaan, niin kertokaapa oliko se ajaminen kuten midnightissa.

DarkWarjo 12.09.2013

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Rayha300 wrote: Hei te jotka kerkesitte ne videot kattomaan, niin kertokaapa oliko se ajaminen kuten midnightissa.
En ite kerenny tota tubeclippii kattoon, mut tos vineboxilla (mikä vissii seki pimeenä nyt) oli oikeestaa vaa pikanen seinään ajo pätkä, mikä kyl vähä huvitti kun auto säily melkein ehyenä.. toivottavasti ei o noin surkee vauriomallinnus ku mitä video anto ymmärtää...

jimmykojootti 12.09.2013 (edit 12.09.2013)

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"Tossa": Hieman ajmista myös :D PS. Ei Minusta ainakaan näytä samalta kun Midnight Club Ja jos joku hullu haluu nähdä gameplayta V:stä, nii Youtubeen haku "GTA V" ja suodattimeks "tänään" tai "Tunnin sisällä" :D

RauhaMees 12.09.2013

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Mitä tota jimmyn videoo katoin, niin on siinä hieman sitä midnightin ajettavuutta, mutta paljon parempana. Ja koska noi on ns. leak-videoita niin vauriomallinnus voi olla concepti versiona tai konsolista laitettu pois päältä.

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