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Forza Motorsport 3 Hype


jimmykojootti 16.07.2009

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Taidanki tilata tuolta

IL3 16.07.2009

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Mudinski wrote 07/16/2009 @ 10:41:
TehBigBunny kirjoitti 16.07.2009 10:33: Siinä pitäisi olla VIP-jäsenyys ja muutama auto, DLC:iden en usko kuuluvan mukaan, niin ei ole sanottu missään. ( Paitsi siinä vuosia vanhassa, vuotaneessa jutussa )
No, eikös VIP jäsenyys tarkoita sitä. että sitten kun DLC:t ilmestyy ne saa ilmaiseksi ? Ja oletteko nyt varma että VIP-jäsenyys tulee ns. tuon pelin mukana ? Itse olen lukenut että se ostetaan MS-pisteillä sitten. Edit: Hinta olisi kuulemma [b]n.20

nuera007 16.07.2009

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Kyllä sen 2100 pisteen hinta on 22

Schimanski76 16.07.2009

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Hintaeroa limitedin ja normiversion välille kertyy tasan 4 euroa.( oikein maalaisjärjellä ajettelee,niin tuskin siihen mitään vip-pakettia kuuluu,pari autoa korkeintaan. Eiköhän se Vippi tule sitten ms-pojoilla ostettavaksi.

Khoira 16.07.2009

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nuera007 wrote 07/16/2009 @ 14:25: Kyllä sen 2100 pisteen hinta on 22

IL3 17.07.2009

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Onkos se nyt vahvistettu että FM3 on vain se tuttu vanha 8 kilpailijaa samaan aikaan radalla?

jimmykojootti 17.07.2009

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mää en pääsis A finaaliin vaikka ois 25 kilpailijaa:D

warcryFIN 17.07.2009

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On tuo vissiin varmistettu että vaan 8 kilpailijaa radalla. Lähdettä en nyt jaksa etsiä, mutta mielestäni E3:ssa tuo vahvistettiin. S. Ito vetää taas iahn kybällä :D

djrunkkari 17.07.2009

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warcryFIN kirjoitti 17.07.2009 10:03: On tuo vissiin varmistettu että vaan 8 kilpailijaa radalla. Lähdettä en nyt jaksa etsiä, mutta mielestäni E3:ssa tuo vahvistettiin. S. Ito vetää taas iahn kybällä :D
On se vahvistettu :-((

IL3 17.07.2009

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Rupesin vaan asiaa miettimään kun missään screenshotissa ei näy enempää kuin se 8 autoa radalla ja sit toi uusin Pit Pass Report, ku T10 kerto et ne laitto toimittajia varten 8 peliasemaa valmiiksi jotta vois testata moninpeliä.. Pettymys sinänsä, oisin mäkin odottanut sitä (edes) 12 autoa radalla. Noh, onnistuuhan se hippa kahdeksallakin autolla niin että yks ajaa Yariksella karkuun ja muut pyrkii murskaamaan sen X5:illa ja Q7:oilla..

jimmykojootti 17.07.2009

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hihhi ja vielä ML:llä

jimmykojootti 18.07.2009

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Luin tuolta blogeista että ne haluaa escaladen! huhhuh bling bling.

TehBigBunny 25.07.2009

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Kaveri kirjoitti, en rupea kääntämään :) The new podcast is up and someone on the forza forums posted this breakdown so you dont have to listen. 1.) You can export video and it will put up a 720p wmv file on 2.) Auto-braking follows the braking line for its braking. You just steer and gas now. They said multiple times that auto-braking is NOT as fast as someone who brakes on their own. It just makes you more consistent. 3.) You get infinite rewinds per race. using time rewind will mark your lap time as "uncertified" along with anytime there is drafting in the same race. 4.) Lap times listed on the leader boards will be listed as "certified" first and then "uncertified. So the worst certified time will be above the fastest uncertified race. 5.) There is now a clutch button, and it is on the left shoulder button on the controller. Hold button, clutch is engaged. Then you shift, then let off of the clutch. There is a missed shift if you don't hit it right. You can damage the car if you miss a shift with sim damage on. The clutch pedal mode is faster than without. 6.) There is now a.) automatic b.) manual and c.) manual + clutch. 7.) In multiplayer there is no rewind, however there is auto-braking. It can be turned off like any other assist. 8.) Auto-upgrade system. "generally useful script" that adds parts to a car based on top of the class. So pick A class, say auto-upgrade, and it will upgrade the car to the PI at the top of that class. If you can't afford all the upgrades for the top of A, it will get you as close as it can then stop. 9.) Auto-upgrade does NOT auto-tune the car. You must tune the car yourself still. 10.) Multiplayer is now like Halo3 and Call of Duty 4 party type of system now is how multiplayer works in FM3. Meaning there will be prebuilt game types that you can join publicly with your party, or you can just build your own private server with exactly your specifications. Things like vote to kick someone, vote to skip a track on these public servers. 11.) Examples of how public servers will be are class and type. ie C class drag, B class drift, A class road racing etc. 12.) They monitor our private matches and if a lot of people are playing a certain setup, they can make a new server based on those settings for the public server list. 13.) All multiplayer modes give you credits. There is no more career or exhibition race. If you race on forza3 in multiplayer (even like cat and mouse) you get credits. 14.) New modes not just racing. Tag mode where you tag someone they are it. There is smear the *** where someone is it, and they have to be tagged for points. There is also army/virus/zombie tag. There is now elimination mode. Finally there is now cat and mouse mode. It really sounds like they just swiped the halo setup and made it for cars. 15.) Scoring on time or drift or damage or whatever. 16.) Starting grid based on PI, gamer-score, car type etc. 17.) Delay start, let players have a 5 second lag between starts for instance. 18.) All cars in FM3 get a Performance Index (PI System). The race-cars classes are now part of the other cars classes. For example you can upgrade your car up to the R classes and through them as well. Some R class cars now have upgrades that can be done to them as well. 19.) Pi is now calculated on the ability of the car and not the ability of the AI to drive it. In FM2, to calculate PI they had the AI calculated what time it could get with each car. This had 1 flaw that the AI can not drive cars. Usually lots of power and poor tires tripped up the AI. Now in FM3, the capability of the car is represented. They hope (fingers crossed) this is more accurate of the cars potential. "A virtual track that the system looks at. Literally looks at the cars maximum speed through each turn would be and tries to achieve that speed on every straightaway. The cars accelerate, brake, and corners with maximum perfect friction. The only way a player would be able to achieve that same performance would be to drive the car perfectly." 20.) Power-train swaps now split into engine and drivetrain swaps. 21.) Can flip cars on multiplayer. Just jostle the left stick back and forth and you can rock the car back onto its wheels. 22.) This was mentioned but is NOT confirmed yet. Every weekday (5 days a week) from now until launch 1 new car will be revealed with pictures and a little write up.

Mudinski 25.07.2009

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For example you can upgrade your car up to the R classes and through them as well
Yariksen R-luokkaan ? Great :) Eiköhän siitä tule ihan "ok" peli :D

RaabForRehab 25.07.2009

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Justiinsa olin postaamassa linkin uuteen podcastiin. Paljon mielenkiintosia juttuja! Sisältöä riittää VARMASTI pariks vuodeks eteenpäin..

warcryFIN 25.07.2009

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Haluun 180 sx:n :(
Jupe San

Jupe San 25.07.2009

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CLUTSHKICK FTW !!! Sitten alle vain joku alitehoinen hachiroku ja menoks :P

Schimanski76 25.07.2009

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Aika kivoja juttuja,etenkin tuo kytkin. Onkohan tuo videoiden koostaminen miten hyvin toteutettu,se on jännä myös. Saakohan peliin ladattua omaa musaa,joihinkin peleihin jo nykyään saa. Aika hermoja raastavaa jumputusta on kakkosessa nääs.

TehBigBunny 25.07.2009

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Schimanski76 kirjoitti 25.07.2009 08:21: Aika kivoja juttuja,etenkin tuo kytkin. Onkohan tuo videoiden koostaminen miten hyvin toteutettu,se on jännä myös. Saakohan peliin ladattua omaa musaa,joihinkin peleihin jo nykyään saa. Aika hermoja raastavaa jumputusta on kakkosessa nääs.
Laita omat musat kovalevylle ja soimaan tai jos sulla on tietokone lähiverkossa niin sieltäkin voi striimata.

IL3 25.07.2009

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Saiskohan ne jotenkin integroitua palavan kytkimen hajun tohon? Jos onnistuis ni innostuisin paljon myös bensan ja kumin nautinnolisista käryistä :D

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